Saturday, June 13, 2009

Michael Tsarion is Afflicted with a Potent Type of Romanticism

Late last night, because of my unquenchable fascination with conspiracy theories and fantastical realms, I had the opportunity to peruse through Mr. Michael Tsarion's fantastical and eccentric text entitled Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation.

When I completed the text, I came to the realization that Mr. Michael Tsarion is afflicted with a potent form of romanticism, and I also concluded that his whimsical, eclectic account of the history of mankind should simply be regarded as Fiction.

Mr. Michael Tsarion writes authoritatively (and in a bombastic tone) about concepts he clearly does not comprehend fully, and thus, he leaves the reader with the indelible impression that he (i.e. Mr. Michael Tsarion) is either discombobulated, or demented.

For instance in Chapter 12 of the text, which goes by the title Stargate and Quarantine, Mr. Tsarion alleges that the moon is a recent feature in the heavens, and that it was put in place by extra terrestrial beings to forever imprison an alien diabolical race that was using this planet as a hideout.

According to French astronomer Dr. Jacques Lasker, if the Earth did not have a large moon, it would not be able to sustain life. Dr. Jacques Lasker conjectures that if the moon were to be obliterated, the Earth's axis would oscillate between zero and fifty-four degrees, which would trigger (or precipitate) extreme weather conditions that are incompatible with, or hostile to, life. Simply put, the moon's existence contributes inordinately towards the Earth's ability to sustain life.

Therefore, this point discounts Mr. Tsarion's assertion that the moon is a recent ethereal body that was put in place by extra terrestrial beings to imprison diabolical aliens who sought refuge on Earth. Why?

Answer: If the moon did not exist during antediluvian times, the Earth would have been uninhabitable to all forms of life, including the diabolical alien beings that Mike wrote of, and thus, the said alien race would not have sought cover on this planet in the first place. Furthermore, if the moon did not exist during antediluvian times, there would not have been any single trace of life on this planet. Thus, the diabolical aliens that supposedly fled to this planet, if they managed to survive the harsh climatic conditions that would have been caused by Earth's being "moonless", would never have encountered any intelligent life or non-intelligent life on Earth thereof. Therefore, the corruption of the Neanderthals' genome by diabolical alien beings, that Mike alleges, would have been a non-event. Thus, evidently, the moon is not a recent feature in the heavens; Mr. Tsarion's assertion, that the moon is a recent feature in the sky, is logically flawed.

Hence, this all serves to illustrate that Mr. Michael Tsarion's florid conspiracy theories are just plain fiction!